Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Dragan Amenga-Mbengoué [Bacchus] , Simon Delmas [Cagire] , Damien Genet [Bacchus] , Maxime Mogé [Cagire] , Yann Moguen [Cagire] , Francois Pellegrini [Bacchus] , Vincent Perrier [Corresponding member] , Francois Rué [Bacchus] , Mario Ricchiuto [Bacchus] .

The AeroSol software is jointly developed in teams Bacchus and Cagire. It is a high order finite element library written in C++. The code has been designed so as to allow for efficient computations, with continuous and discontinuous finite elements methods on hybrid and possibly curvilinear meshes. The work of the team Bacchus is focused on continuous finite elements methods, while the team Cagire is focused on discontinuous Galerkin methods. However, everything is done for sharing the largest part of code we can. More precisely, classes concerning IO, finite elements, quadrature, geometry, time iteration, linear solver, models and interface with PaMPA are used by both of the teams. This modularity is achieved by mean of template abstraction for keeping good performances. The distribution of the unknowns is made with the software PaMPA , developed within the team Bacchus and the team Castor.

This year some important features were added including  : definition of CMake options for optimization and for using different compilers (GNU gcc, Intel icc, and IBM xlc) ; new element classes (lagrange and hierarchical orthogonal finite element basis for pyramids, Gauss Lagrange elements) ; implicit time integrators (backward Euler, Crank-Nicolson, and BDF from 2nd to 6th order) ; anisotropic diffusion models and (compressible) Navier-Stokes models ; debuggin by looging at memory traces with an interfacing with the PAPI library (tests have also been performed with VTUNE and TAU) ; improvements in schemes robustness and efficiency (Galerkin discretization of advection optimized by stocking most of the geometrical functions and finite elements computations, explicit and implicit version of the DG discretization of diffusion problems, implementation of Taylor-Galerkin stabilization and simplified SUPG stabilization) ; boundary conditions (time dependent, periodic, non reflecting) ; low Mach numerical fluxes for DG ; development of steady and unsteady tests related to all these new features.